30 research outputs found

    Pathos and Patina: The Failure and Promise of Constitutionalism in the European Imagination

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    Legal studies react to the Union’s social legitimacy deficit either by funneling the problem into empirical sociology (accompanied by the familiar call for more transparency and democracy), or by ignoring it altogether. This article argues that the crisis in social acceptance can be traced back to the texture of EU law. Law is more than a body of rules: It is a social practice, a structure of meaning, and a system of beliefs. In this light, national law has a richly textured cushion of cultural resources to rely on, which makes it ours. In contrast, EU law embodies the fluid surface of consumer identity and appears less ours. The Union’s counter-measures – adding pathos and patina to neutralize our distrust – have proven unsuccessful. The way out, then, is coming to terms with the market citizen, rather than believing in, and forcing upon the consumer, stories of shared values and historically situated commonality.legitimacy; European law; constitution building; polity building; identity

    European Democracy and its Critique - Five Uneasy Pieces

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    democracy; European Court of Justice; fundamental/human rights; Germany; institutions; integration theory; interest intermediation; multilevel governance; national interest; supranationalism

    Zukunftsgestaltung durch Ă–ffentliches Recht

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    This volume contains presentations and discussions from the meeting of the Association of German Constitutional Law Professors in Greifswald from 2 to 5 October 2013

    Internationales Verfassungsrecht?: Anmerkungen zu einer kopernikanischen Wende

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    Zum 70. Geburtstag von Dieter Grimm

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    Rechtsschutz in der dritten Säule der EU

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